Wednesday 29 October 2014

Top Exercise Tips For Great Health And Lasting Fitness

It is true that the span of 24 good hours in a day is way too short for a life this busy. However, it is just enough to do everything in your power to maintain proper health and fitness that can assist you in leading a happy and unrestricted life. The rules are simple and easy to follow. However, you will have to ensure staying up and active with the routine to get the desired results.

To begin with, try waking up early so that you have ample time to kick start your schedule. It has been seen through numerous researches that exercising in the morning is more effective than exercising in the evening or night. It keeps you fresh and active throughout the day while keeping your metabolism at its best which again results in proper breakdown of the calories you ingest.

Secondly, whether you are a busy working mom or handling 2 jobs a day, it will only take 20 minutes to grant your body all the essential work out that it needs. Basic stretching for 5 minutes, cardiovascular exercises for 10 minutes and weights for the next 5 performed at a stretch can give you a great body, healthy bones and enhanced resistance to diseases.

Thirdly, try engaging in some variety of sports in your weekend mornings be it racquet sports, football, and hiking, cycling with family, swimming or anything for that matter. This will take care of the weekend celebrations that you may engage in during the latter half of the day.

Fourthly, do not try random exercises that appear in random websites or random videos in the World Wide Web. This is counted among the top exercise tips that professional trainers always mention. While these schedules may bear possibilities to result in desirable shapes and silhouettes, it may not be custom made for you and may cause more harm than good when tried unsupervised.

Lastly, back your exercise schedule with proper nutritious diet. Ensure ample protein intake along with vegetables rich in nutrients and fiber in your meals. Keep as much distance as possible from refined sugar rich foods that come in attractive ready to eat packaging. They can reverse the effect of any schedule that you may be following.